Purchases / Sales of TES, Foreign Exchange, and TES Portfolio Holdings by Banco de la República

Publication Date
  • Banco de la República (the Central Bank of Colombia, BR) hereby informs that in August 2020 it did not make any purchases or sales of TES B in the market. At the end of August, the outstanding balance of TES held by BR was COP $20,702.0 b (value at market prices).

    The TES portfolio of BR (expressed in nominal terms) is composed of peso-denominated TES (COP $15,928.8 billion) and UVR-denominated TES (UVR 8.2 billion).

    In September 2020, none of the TES held by BR expires.
  • Regarding the foreign exchange market, in August, BR renewed USD 671.6 million of Non-Delivery Forward contracts.