Seminario en economía aplicada Núm. 15 - Improving Export Quality: The case of the Sustainable Quality Program in Colombian Coffee" (joint with Rocco Macchiavello)

Este evento hace parte de la serie:
Otros seminarios y talleres
  • Toulouse School of Economics


Lugar: Banco de la República, carrera 19 # 34-47, piso 2 (Sala de conferencias), Bucaramanga.


Entrada libre. Indispensable inscribirse en el siguiente vínculo: Inscripciones


Resumen: Improving quality in export-oriented agricultural chains has the potential to increase incomes among small-holders farmers in developing countries. Yet, challenges in both input and output markets often make it impossible to transmit to the farm gate potential price premia in export market. This paper studies the case of the sustainable quality program in Colombia. We find that the program induced farmers to upgrade their coffee plantations and improved their welfare. We further analyse the distribution of profits along the chain.