Press releases, minutes and news

Date Time Press release
The Banco de la República reduces its intervention interest rate by 50 basic points
The Banco de la República maintains its intervention interest rate
The Central Bank of Colombia Leaves its Intervention Interest Rate Unchanged
The Central Bank of Colombia Lowers its Intervention Interest Rate by 50 Basis Points
12:54 The Banco de la República reduces its intervention interest rate by 100 basic points
11:39 The Banco de la República reduces its intervention interest rate by 100 basic points
12:55 The Banco de la República reduces its intervention interest rate by 100 basic points
14:30 The Banco de la República reduces its intervention interest rate by 100 basic points
13:55 The Banco de la República reduces its intervention interest rate by 50 basic points
The Central Bank of Colombia Lowers Its Intervention Interest Rate by 50 Basis Points
Inflation target set at 5% for 2009 and no change in the intervention interest rate
The Board of Directors of the Central Bank of Colombia Appoints Mr. José Darío Uribe as Governor for the Term Starting on January 4, 2009
The Central Bank of Colombia holds its interest rate steady, reduces bank reserve requirements and adopts other measures to provide liquidity
Banco de la República Holds Its Interest Rate Unchanged
The Central Bank of Colombia Holds its Intervention Interest Rate Steady
Banco de la República Raises Its Intervention Rate
Banco de la República holds its interest rate, modifies the exchange intervention scheme, and replaces the marginal reserve requirement with an average reserve requirement of 10%
Banco de la Republica makes no change in its interest rates
Banco de la República decides not to change its benchmark rate
Banco de la República Holds its Benchmark Rate