
A continuación, se listan los contenidos disponibles en el portal relacionados con la consulta.

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    Price dispersion is a prevalent feature even of markets where, arguably, homogeneous good are traded. At the heart of the causes of price dispersion lie the firms’ strategic interactions with their customers and rivals. Consumers’ eagerness and ability to search for lower prices tends…

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    We study endogenous growth within a model with occupational choice in which innovators produce ideas, within an asymmetric information framework. Each innovator has private knowledge of their production costs. Developers offer innovators non-linear contract schemes that affect both the number of…

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    As has been documented in different studies, there is a close relationship between capital flows and domestic credit. This relationship emerges from different channels, which are usually not directly identified. In this paper, a principal-agent approach is proposed in order to disentangle the…

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    The relationship between capital ows and domestic credit emerges from dierent channels which are usually not directly identied. In this paper, a principal-agent approach is proposed in order to disentangle the channels through which shocks on capital debt ows can aect credit-related…

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    To evaluate whether transparency is beneficial, it is usual to assume that the central bank may choose one of two options, opacity versus truthful communication. However, the monetary policymaker may have incentives to misrepresent private information so as to reduce economic volatility by…

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    A minimum performance insurance in the Principal-Agent problem is wealth reducing to the principal. This result points to further inefficiencies in mandatory individual Pension Funds' contracts, particularly the one established in the 1993's 100th Law in Colombia.