Five directors voted in favor of this decision, one director voted for a 25 basis point reduction, and one director for a 50 basis point decrease. In its policy discussion, the Board of Directors took into account the following elements:
The technical staff of Banco de la República published the January 2025 Monetary Policy Report. This document, analyzes the key variables of the macroeconomic outlook and the dynamic of Colombian inflation.
Five directors voted in favor of this decision, one director voted for a 25 basis point reduction, and one director for a 50 basis point decrease. In its policy discussion, the Board of Directors took into account the following elements:
This new entry analyzes the positive effect of VAT-free days on the consumption of exempt versus non-exempt goods. However, one of the conclusions is that this effect was transitory. Why?
Minutes of the Board of Directors Thursday, 26 December 2024 - 18:21
Five directors voted in favor of this decision, one for a 50-bps cut and another for a 75-bps reduction. In its policy discussion, the Board considered the following elements:
La Junta Directiva del Banco de la República le rinde cuentas a la ciudadanía a través del Informe al Congreso, que analiza el cambio sustancial del escenario macroeconómico entre 2020 y 2021, y plantea los retos de la política económica colombiana. Consúltelo aquí.
The Regional Economic Bulletin for Q4-2021 provides information on the evolution of the main variables of economic activity in the regions of the country: Bogotá, center, Caribbean Coast, Eje Cafetero, Northwest, Northeast, Southwest, and Southeast regions. [Only in Spanish. Find it here]