Consumer Price Index




Index (December 2018=100)



   December 2018=100

Consumer Price Index - CPI (December 2018=100) 


Total CPI
Exportable to various formats - Total CPI - Per calendar year
Excel format - Historical Data Series
Per calendar year
(Information available since December 2018)
Exportable to various formats - Total CPI - Historical series

For a given date range
(Information available since December 2018)


CPI by division
Exportable to various formats - CPI by expenditure group - Per calendar year Excel format - Historical Data Series

Per calendar year
(Information available since December 2018)

Exportable to various formats - CPI by expenditure group - Historical series For a given date range
(Information available since December 2018)


CPI by city
Exportable to various formats - CPI by city - Per calendar year Excel format - Historical Data Series Per calendar year
(Information available since December 2018)
Exportable to various formats - CPI by city - Historical series
For a given date range
(Information available since December 2018)


Other aggregate CPI indexes (December 2018=100)


All items excluding food (tradable, non tradable and administrated goods)
Exportable to various formats - All items excluding food grouped by tradable, non tradable and administrated goods - Per calendar year Excel format - Historical Data Series Per calendar year
(Information available since January 1999)
Exportable to various formats - All items excluding food grouped by tradable, non tradable and administrated goods - Historical series For a given date range
(Information available since January 1999)
Core inflation measures
Exportable to various formats - Core inflation measures - Per calendar year Excel format - Historical Data Series

Per calendar year
(Information available since January 1999)

 Exportable to various formats - Core inflation measures - Per calendar year For a given date range
(Information available since January 1999)





 December 2008=100

Consumer Price Index - CPI (December 2008=100


Total CPI
Exportable to various formats - Total CPI - Per calendar year
Excel format - Historical Data Series
Per calendar year
(Information available since July 1954)
Exportable to various formats - Total CPI - Historical series

For a given date range
(Information available since July 1954)


CPI by expenditure group
Exportable to various formats - CPI by expenditure group - Per calendar year Excel format - Historical Data Series

Per calendar year
(Information available since January 1988)

Exportable to various formats - CPI by expenditure group - Historical series For a given date range
(Information available since January 1988)


CPI by city
Exportable to various formats - CPI by city - Per calendar year Excel format - Historical Data Series Per calendar year
(Information available since January 1988)
Exportable to various formats - CPI by city - Historical series
For a given date range
(Information available since January 1988)


Other aggregate CPI indexes (December 2008=100)


All items excluding food (tradable, non tradable and administrated goods)
Exportable to various formats - All items excluding food grouped by tradable, non tradable and administrated goods - Per calendar year Excel format - Historical Data Series Per calendar year
(Information available since January 1998)
Exportable to various formats - All items excluding food grouped by tradable, non tradable and administrated goods - Historical series For a given date range
(Information available since January 1998)
Core inflation measures
Exportable to various formats - Core inflation measures - Per calendar year Excel format - Historical Data Series

Per calendar year
(Information available since December 1998)

 Exportable to various formats - Core inflation measures - Per calendar year For a given date range
(Information available since December 1998)




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