El Banco

El Banco

A continuación, se listan los contenidos disponibles en el portal relacionados con la consulta.

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    The provisions of this Code apply to all Banrep employees.This Code is also a frame of reference for individuals and corporate legal entities with whom Banrep has a contractual relationship regarding the behavior expected of Banrep staff. It must therefore be distributed in the framework of…

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    According to Colombia’s Constitution, Banco de la República is an institution that operates independent of government.  It enjoys administrative, patrimonial and technical autonomy and is subject to its own system of rules and regulations

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    1. Reading and accepting Terms and Conditions for use

    Banco de la República issues this legal notice to outline the terms and conditions that regulate access, browsing, and use of its websites: https://www.banrep.gov.co/en, …

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    The 1991 Constitution drawn up by the Constituent National Assembly introduced various reforms to the previously existing central banking system in Colombia.


    The principal reforms were aimed at the replacement of the Monetary Board by the current Board of…

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    A central bank is the institution that issues and administrates legal currency and exercises the function of banker of banks. Furthermore, it controls the country’s monetary system (currency), credit system (interest rates) and foreign exchange system (foreign exchange…

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