World Currencies Exchange Rate

Freely Convertible Currencies

Freely Convertible Currencies
Exportable to various formats - For a given date range
For a given date range
( Daily information available since 1996)

Latin / North America Currencies

Latin / North America Currencies
Exportable to various formats - For a given date range

For a given date range
(Daily Information available since 1998 for nearby countries, all other data available since 1996)

Nearby Countries Currencies

Nearby Countries Currencies
Exportable to various formats - World Currencies Exchange Rate

For a given date range
(Daily Information available since 1998 for nearby countries, all other data available since 1996)

Selected World Currencies

Selected World Currencies
Exportable to various formats - World Currencies Exchange Rate

For a given date range
(Daily Information available since 1998 for nearby countries, all other data available since 1996)