London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR)

We hereby inform that, as per ICE Benchmark Administration® Limited (IBA), the LIBOR interest rate in some of its multiple modalities ceased to occur from 2021. The cessation process for all modalities culminates fully in 2023; therefore, Banco de la República (the Central Bank of Colombia) has decided to stop publishing this statistical series since January 2023. Furthermore, the Central Bank is no longer authorized by the data provider to publish said statistical series. For more information regarding LIBOR, visit the website of the ICE Benchmark Administration Limited (IBA).

The Libor (London Interbank Offered Rate) is an interest rate determined by the rates that banks participating in the London market offer among themselves for short-term deposits. Libor is used to determine the price of financial instruments such as derivatives and futures. Given London’s importance to the financial market, Libor is an interest rate used by some of the world’s major financial institutions.